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Step By Step How To Take Care Of Your Dog 2/2


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12. Brushing

This will depend on your dog’s coat. Some dogs have short but double coats, such as the Husky, to help them in cold weather, so they require extra brushing, particularly when they shed (every spring and fall is shedding season).

Others have short, smooth coats such as hound dogs like the Beagle, that tend to shed like crazy and require weekly brushings.

And then you have the dogs with long, thick coats that need lots of brushing and regular trimming. The Bichon Frise has hair instead of fur, which means the hair doesn’t stop growing and should be brushed at least several times a week and trimmed monthly.

Research the dog you’re interested in before you commit to one, as grooming can be easy or very high-maintenance, depending on the breed.

13. Bath

Most dogs should be bathed (and only with a dog shampoo) about every 4 to 6 weeks, or only when it’s necessary. Again, some breeds need more frequent baths, including hairless breeds like the Chinese Crested, which need to have a bath every week.

Then there are dogs like the Basenji, which groom themselves (great dog to have if you’re also a cat lover) that rarely need a bath.

Bathing your pet can be a difficult task, but the first step is to choose a great shampoo. We love Hepper's Colloidal Oatmeal Pet Shampoo, which is a natural, pet-safe option specially formulated to clean your pet's skin and coat without irritation. It's also free of things like dyes, soaps, sulfates, and phthalates. Your pet will enjoy the soothing aloe vera and oatmeal, and you'll love the clean, fresh scent!

14. Monthly Maintenance

Nail trimming, ear cleaning, and brushing teeth. These are all regular parts of weekly and monthly maintenance that you need to perform on your dog.

Cleaning the ears helps you to keep an eye out for infections as well as parasites. Brushing their teeth will help dogs the same way it helps you. Dental issues can lead to gingivitis and could eventually lead to heart disease.

A dog’s nails will grow continuously and eventually grow into their pads and making it difficult for them to walk and stand. White/translucent nails are the easiest to trim as you can usually see the quick.

Exercising and training

Exercising and training your dog are essential to caring for your dog. Exercising helps not only keep your dog healthy but will make him happy, and hold less pent-up energy. Training is vital for your sanity.

15. Exercising

The amount of exercise a dog gets is also completely dependent on the breed. High-energy dogs, like the Border Collie, need a lot of walking, running, and opportunities to play, whereas many of the small breeds, like the French Bulldog, require short walks and little exercise.

You do need to ensure your dog gets enough time to expend his energy, or he might start to exhibit destructive behaviors.

16. Picking up the Poop

Part of owning a dog includes picking up his poop. Not fun, but necessary. Even if it’s in your backyard, poop should be cleaned up as it’s a dangerous substance.

It can kill the grass, it carries the fatal Parvo disease, which is highly contagious among dogs, but can also carry serious diseases and parasites transmitted to humans.

17. Training

pet1lovers cute puppy

Training your dog is pretty much important for everyone you encounter. Dogs need consistency and structure, and they need to be able to function appropriately within our society. This is for their safety as well as your own. For example, if your dog runs off on you, you need to be able to call him back before he runs onto the road.

Again, how you train your dog will depend on the breed. All dogs respond best to positive reinforcement. Some are treat motivated while others love to be put to work and become bored with training if you don’t make it enjoyable. Some breeds need repetition while others need to be interested and won’t respond well to repetition.

18. Socializing

Dogs must be socialized when they are young, even when they are just a few weeks old. Introduce your dog to as many people, smells, sounds, and places as you can so he will become used to different situations. This will make for a very well-adjusted dog that won’t be fearful, shy, or aggressive when he encounters something new.

19. Dog License and Tags

Most cities and states in North America require dogs to be registered and to wear a tag on their collar at all times. Check with your vet or local shelter regarding registering your dog.

Ensure the Happiness of Your Dog

Lastly, but just as important as all of the other tips, providing your dog with shelter, love, and attention is vital for any animal. Respect goes both ways.

20. Housing and shelter

Most dogs belong inside with you and should not be chained up outside most of the time. You should have a quiet and warm place available to your dog so he can rest comfortably in a stress-free environment.

Some dog owners prefer to use a crate when they are out of the house, and it can be a safe shelter that your dog will voluntarily go into as his safe space.

22. Lots of Love

Our dogs love us unconditionally and should be treated with respect, love, and affection. If your dog misbehaves, don’t yell, and certainly don’t hit him as he won’t understand what he did wrong, and you’re only teaching him to fear you.

There’s also a great article from Pango Pets on how to make your dog happy.

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Be sure to research and read up on the breed of dog you have or are interested in. The more you know about the breed and the more knowledge you have about taking care of your dog, the more confident you’ll be so you can give your dog a safe and happy place to live.

Taking care of a dog will be an incredibly rewarding experience as he will be a loving and constant companion. Be prepared to spend lots of time, money, and emotional investment on your dog. But it’s so worth it!


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