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Big Fluffy Cat Breeds 2023: Here are 10 of the largest and most loved breeds of cat


 And while it is indeed true – all cats are beautiful – if you’re looking for a bigger cat that you can snuggle into, there are plenty available to adopt that will suit your – and their - needs.

So, if you are looking to add a new furry friend to your household, these are reported largest breeds of cat worldwide, that are bold and beautiful.

*While cat breeds do share similar traits, we advise each cat to have its personality and individual needs, which is of primary importance when taking a cat into your home. Please be aware of this if adopting a cat.

1. Scottish Fold

Hailing from our own wonderful country, the Scottish Fold can weigh up to 14 lbs. Sadly this breed can develop arthritis in their tails early due to genetic abnormalities. They are cuddly, however, due to this painful condition, they may shun snuggles due to the pain. Please be mindful of this by adopting a Scottish Fold.

2. Ragdoll

Both male and female Ragdolls can grow up to an astonishing 20 lbs! However, these cuddly, smart cats are a classic breed of a house cat that often enough laying in their owner's arms.

3. Turkish Van

Hailing from the Turkish mountains, the van is considered a luxurious cat. These cats can reach up to 20 lbs, though are playful and active - even enjoying a splash in the water!

4. Chartreux

The male Chartreux can grow up to 16 lbs, though female Chartreux normally just stay around 9 lbs. They tend to bond with a particular household member.

5. Ocicat

The Ocicat can grow up to 15lbs, these domestic kitties are direct descendants of Siamese cats and love playfulness and affection.

6. Birman

The Birman is a very affectionate cat breed that makes a fabulous family pet. A larger cat can weigh up to 15 lbs.

7. Norwegian Forest Cat

The Norwegian Forest Cat is a strong, large and powerful cat that can grow up to 20 lbs. They have a great ability to climb and, though sociable, they will need cat trees and other items to keep them stimulated.

8. Maine Coon

Ah, the gorgeous Maine Coon. One of the largest cat breeds, a male Maine Coon can weigh up to 25 lbs, with a female up to 18 lbs. They aren't too fond of a cuddle, however, they do enjoy being close to you and remain affectionate and clever cats.

9. Siberian

Siberian has a history that dates as far back as 1000 AD. Siberians are incredibly clever creatures, with an ability to problem solve more than many other breeds of cats. They can weigh up to 20 lbs.

10. Savannah

Exotic in appearance, the Savannah breed of cat is very muscular cats which allows them to jump approximately 8 feet in the air. These cats require plenty of playtime and stimulation and can weigh up to 25 lbs - making them one of the largest cat breeds on the planet.

